Description quote:
Return rays of light from polished surface, image of subject reflected into camera.
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Study of complex city images offers some different possibilities for viewing and identification if you can. So disrupts the easy conflation of viewer and camera position.
Established images frequently reinforce stereotypical patterns for viewing, example some other street photographers working city seems of secure identification. The issue with this collection distinct misalignment, the reflections jumble the fragment of structure.
The grotesque forms some produced destabilize any kind of secure viewing the framing views of doorways, windows and street vistas. Fluidity of movement of ray light through space, Surface reflections, unregulated signage and detail light effects that produce strong shadows supposedly inherent with set characteristics of reflections.
Use of mirror in the frame - the edge, or shape of glass split the photograph into discrete bands, producing triptychs. But this mirroring has another effect, since it repeats within the image the frame's cutting of space. This imagery of city built out of disjuncture with juggernaut cameras. Image objects herein of scrutiny often overtaken by whimsy but at their best they invite viewers to imagine our city likewise. Despite theorist claims – these studies are formal photographs.(CCN传媒图片网 孟波)
(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)